ministry teams

At Valencia Presbyterian we are blessed to have so many members participate in various ministry teams. Listed below are our ministry teams, their responsibilities and meeting times.

Administrative Team
Responsible for: The administrative concerns of the church, including: short-range and long-range planning; financial concerns and personnel matters.

The Admin Team also includes:
Property & Grounds: Responsible for the upkeep of he church building, grounds and manse.
Missions: Responsible for International and Local Mission Support, Food Bank and Medical Lending Closet.

Meeting Times: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the lounge
Discipleship Team
Responsible for: Christian education opportunities of children and adults within our congregation and the community, such as: Sunday School, Kids ROCK, Bible Studies, Midweek Meal With A Message, and Vacation Bible School

Meeting Times: 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm via Zoom
Student-Family-Youth Team
Responsible for: 4:12 Youth Group activities, including the 30-Hour Famine and other mission projects. They also coordinate family activities such as outings to baseball games, concerts, bowling, etc.

Meeting Times: Vary based upon scheduled activities
Worship Team
Responsible for: All aspects of the Sunday worship services and special services throughout the year.

Meeting Times - after worship service when needed
Nominating Team
Responsible for: Filling the slate of Elders, Deacons and the Nominating team each November. The Nominating team also assists the ministry teams to help find new teammates. This team requires a 1-year commitment and that you be an Active Member of VPC. Positions are nominated and voted on by congregation.

Meeting Times: As needed (mostly Aug – Oct) for an hour after worship in the lounge
Board of Session*
Responsible for: All aspects of the governing of the church; oversees the other ministry teams. Requires a 3-year commitment and active membership in the church. Positions are nominated and voted on by the congregation. Meetings are open to the general congregation.

Meeting Times: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the lounge
Board of Deacons*
Responsible for: Reaching out and providing support to the elderly, homebound, college students, military personnel in the way of meals, transportation, or visitation. Outreach and Fellowship duties fall under Deacons as well. They also oversee the church library. Requires a 3-year commitment and active membership in the church. Positions are nominated and voted on by the congregation. Meetings are open to the general congregation.

Meeting Times: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the pastor’s office
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*The Boards require a 3-year commitment and Active membership in the church. Positions are nominated and voted on by the congregation. Meetings are open to the general congregation.

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