children & youth Ministries

Youth Group

VPC’s 4:12 Youth Group invites all youth in grades 4 through 12 to come together for fun, fellowship, and faith development. We take our example from 1Timothy 4-12: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.”

The 4:12 Youth Group meets from September to May. All youth are encouraged to participate in the Midweek Meal with a Message on Wednesday nights when it is in session. Other meeting times and events are listed on our calendar.

Some of the Service Project activities our youth participate in include 30-Hour Famine, and Lighthouse Food Bank. Our Fun Activities may be bowling, roller skating, miniature golf, bon-fires, etc.

Kids R.O.C.K.

Kids Reaching Out for Christ’s Kingdom (Kids R.O.C.K.) is a special worship time for children ages 3 and up that occurs every other week, during Sunday morning worship, from September to May. Specific dates are posted on the VPC calendar. Children are dismissed, under adult supervision, for a portion of the worship service to participate in an interactive Bible lesson and related activity.

Nursery Care

Currently, our nursery is not staffed, but is open for parents to use with their children during worship or other ministry events.