you are always welcome here

Valencia Presbyterian Church is tucked away in the small, quaint borough of Valencia, Pennsylvania, making the church small enough to feel intimate and warm, but large enough to provide a range of programs and opportunities for ministry.
The Vision of VPC is to grow the body of Christ through faith, love and service.
VPC Mission
We, the members of the Valencia Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., have been led by God to this community where we focus on Jesus Christ as the center of our Christian worship and service. We trust and obey Him. We believe worship requires the participation of everyone as a display of the gifts they have received from the Holy Spirit. We glorify God through regular Sunday worship and all the special observances. We worship God through prayer, the reading of Scripture, the preaching of God’s Word and the observance of the sacraments. During worship we continue to glorify God through our ministry of music, and as an act of thanksgiving our tithes and offerings are gathered and received.
We encourage and invite all who seek God’s Word to become involved with our worship service and church activities.
We strive to enhance our knowledge of and relationship with Jesus Christ through personal involvement in Christian education and discipleship.
We seek ways to be involved in missions at home and abroad.
Following the guidelines set by the Book of Order, the session and minister lead the church in doing God’s work.
We seek ways to develop Christian stewardship through our time, talents, and treasure to achieve our church mission.
We take care of the gifts and blessings God has provided for us – our church, annex, manse and property.